

Genderfluid is a non-binary gender identity that describes a person whose gender varies over time. This can be a gradual or sudden change, ranging from hours to months and beyond. Genderfluid individuals may feel more masculine, feminine, androgynous, or other non-binary genders at different times or in response to different situations. Genderfluid is related to other multigender identities, including genderflux.

Many subsets of genderfluid exist, including agenderfluid, bigenderfluid, xenofluid, and more. Some gender identities that can be fluid include contrastgender, octogender, and concegender. Genders that cross between genderfluid and genderflux include fluidflux and its subsets.



People who identify as gender-fluid may use a variety of pronouns depending on their gender identity at a given time. Some gender-fluid people may use they/them/theirs pronouns as a gender-neutral option that can be used regardless of their current gender expression. Others may switch between he/him/his and she/her/hers pronouns depending on their gender expression at a given time. Some gender-fluid people may also use neopronouns such as ze/zir/zirs, xe/xem/xyrs, or other neopronouns that feel more comfortable and affirming to them. It's important to respect and use the pronouns that a person has specified for themselves, as misgendering can be hurtful and invalidate a person's identity. If you're unsure of a person's pronouns, it's always best to ask them for their preferred pronouns.


Here are a few examples of celebrities who have publicly identified as genderfluid:

  • Ruby Rose - actor known for their roles in "Orange is the New Black" and "Batwoman"

  • Miley Cyrus - singer and actor known for her roles in "Hannah Montana" and "The Voice"

  • Nico Tortorella - actor known for their roles in "Younger" and "The Walking Dead: World Beyond"

  • Jonathan Van Ness - hair stylist and TV personality on "Queer Eye"

  • Tilda Swinton - actor known for her roles in "Doctor Strange" and "We Need to Talk About Kevin"

  • Rain Dove - model, activist, and actor

  • Kelly Mantle - actor and singer known for their role in "RuPaul's Drag Race"

  • Jaden Smith - actor and musician

  • Amandla Stenberg - actor known for their roles in "The Hunger Games" and "The Hate U Give"

  • Rhea Butcher - comedian and actor.

Gender Types

Gender identity is a deeply personal and complex aspect of a person's identity, and it can vary widely from person to person. Some people identify as male, some as female, while others identify as non-binary, genderqueer, or another gender identity.

Gender identity refers to a person's internal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. In other words, it is a person's subjective experience of their own gender.

Identity & expression

It's important to note that gender identity is not the same as biological sex, which is typically assigned at birth based on physical characteristics. Gender identity is also distinct from gender expression, which refers to how a person presents their gender to the world through clothing, hairstyle, behavior, and other factors.


It's important to respect and validate each individual's gender identity, regardless of how it may differ from societal expectations or traditional notions of gender. People should be able to express their gender identity in a way that feels authentic to them and should be able to access the rights and protections they need to live fulfilling lives.

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